Stefan Smit

Website design and development for Stefan Smit.


Working with contemporary fine artist Stefan Smit, also known as “These10Fingers,” I designed and developed his website to showcase his incredible talent. Using WordPress as the platform, I created a visually captivating and immersive online gallery. With custom theme development, I ensured that his figurative portraiture and mural paintings were beautifully displayed on archival panels and canvas. Optimizing the website for performance, I implemented responsive design and mobile optimization, allowing visitors to experience Stefan Smit’s art across all devices. Through careful design and development, I created a seamless and engaging experience for art enthusiasts.


Web design & Development



By leveraging the power of WordPress and implementing custom design and development, I transformed these websites into dynamic and engaging platforms. Through careful optimization and attention to detail, I ensured optimal performance, responsive design, and intuitive user experiences for each client.